Rome: February 12th, 2025

Research Activities @ BioLab3

Analysis of upright stance


Develop methods to monitor postural control in upright stance.
The dynamometer allows determination of the instantaneous position of the ground reaction application point, generally referred to as the centre of pressure (CoP), and several parameters in the time and/or frequency domain are then obtained from the antero-posterior and medio-lateral CoP coordinates to monitor the efficiency of the postural control system under different conditions.

List of publications on the topic

Publications on International Journals
- C. D'Anna, M. Schmid, S. Conforto. Linking head and neck posture with muscular activity and perceived discomfort during prolonged smartphone texting. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 83: 103134, 2021
- D. Bibbo, S. Conforto, M. Schmid, F. Battisti. The influence of different levels of cognitive engagement on the seated postural sway. Electronics, 9(4): 601, 2020
- D. Bibbo, M. Carli, S. Conforto, F. Battisti. A sitting posture monitoring instrument to assess different levels of cognitive engagement. Sensors, 19(3): 455, 2019
- C. D'Anna, M. Schmid, A. Scorza, S.A. Sciuto, L. Lopez, S. Conforto. Time-to-Boundary Function to Study the Development of Upright Stance Control in Children. The Open Biomedical Engineering Journal, 11: 49-58, 2017
- C. D'Anna, M. Schmid, D. Bibbo, M. Bertollo, S. Comani, S. Conforto. The effect of continuous and discretized presentations of concurrent augmented visual biofeedback on postural control in quiet stance. PLOS ONE, 10(7): e0132711, 2015
- M. Schmid, S. Conforto, L. Lopez, T. D'Alessio. Cognitive Load affects Postural Control in Children. Experimental Brain Research, 179(3): 375-385, 2006
- M. Schmid, S. Conforto, L. Lopez, P. Renzi, T. D'Alessio. The development of postural strategies in children: a factorial design study. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 2: 29, 2005
- M. Goffredo, M. Schmid, S. Conforto, T. D'Alessio. A Markerless sub-pixel motion estimation technique to reconstruct kinematics and estimate the centre of mass in posturography. Medical Engineering and Physics, 28(7): 719-726, 2005
- M. Schmid, S. Conforto, D. Bibbo, T. D'Alessio. Respiration and postural sway: detection of phase synchronizations and interactions. Human Movement Science, 23: 105-119, 2004
- M. Schmid, S. Conforto, V. Camomilla, A. Cappozzo, T. D'Alessio. The sensitivity of posturographic parameters to acquisition settings. Medical Engineering and Physics, 24(9): 623-631, 2002
- S. Conforto, M. Schmid, V. Camomilla, T. D'Alessio, A. Cappozzo. Hemodynamics as a possible internal mechanical disturbance to balance. Gait and Posture, 14(1): 28-35, 2001
Publications on International Books
- L. Lopez, M. Schmid, S. Conforto, T. D'Alessio, A. Conte, P. Renzi. Postural control in children. From Basic Motor Control to Functional Recovery - III, N. Gantchev: 118-126 Academic Publ. House Prof. M. Drinov, Sofia, 2003
- P. Morasso, T. D'Alessio, L. Baratto, S. Conforto, C. Re, M. Schmid, G. Spada. Analysis of postural control strategies in Parkinson's disease. From Basic Motor Control to Functional Recovery - II, N. Gantchev: 369-376 Academic Publ. House Prof. M. Drinov, Sofia, 2001
Contributions appeared on Proceedings of International Conferences
- C. D'Anna, T. Varrecchia, D. Bibbo, F. Orsini, M. Schmid, S. Conforto. Effect of different smartphone uses on posture while seating and standing. IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Rome, Italy: June 11-13, 2018
- D. Bibbo, F. Battisti, S. Conforto, M. Carli. A non-intrusive system for seated posture identification. IEEE 20th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom), Ostrava, Czech Republic: September 17-20, 2018
- C. D'Anna, S. Gazzellini, M. Petrarca, G. Vasco, E. Castelli, M. Schmid, S. Conforto. Time to boundary function to assess upright stance in blind children. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Internatinal Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Milan, Italy: Augist 25-29, 2015
- C. D'Anna, M. Schmid, A. Scorza, M. Goffredo, S.A. Sciuto, S. Conforto. Can a Visual Biofeedback system based on predictive information improve postural performance?. Proceedings of the 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Milan, Italy: August 25-29, 2015
- C. D'Anna, D. Bibbo, C. De Marchis, M. Goffredo, M. Schmid, S. Conforto. Comparing different visual biofeedbacks in static posturography. IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI), Valencia, Spain: June 1-4, 2014
- C. D'Anna, F. Patané, M. Schmid, P. Cappa, E. Castelli, S. Gazzellini, S. Conforto, M. Petrarca. The time-to-boundary function to assess upright stance in in static and dynamic conditions. First Clinical Movement Analysis World Conference, Rome, Italy: August 29 - Sptember 4, 2014
- C. De Marchis, F. Patanè, M. Petrarca, S. Carniel, N. Schmid, S. Conforto, E. Castelli, P. Cappa, T. D'Alessio. Neuro-mechanical assessment of postural responses on a 3-D robotic perturbed platform in children with hemiplegia. SIAMOC-ESMAC 2014, Rome: October 2014, 2014
- C. De Marchis, F. Patanè, M. Petrarca, S. Carniel, M. Schmid, S. Conforto, E. Castelli, P. Cappa, T. D'Alessio. EMG and Kinematics Assessment of Postural Responses during Balance Perturbation on a 3D Robotic Platform: Preliminary Results in Children with Hemiplegia. XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013, Sevilla, Spain: September 25-28, 2013
- C. D'Anna, D. Bibbo, M. Goffredo, M. Schmid, S. Conforto. Efficacy of TtB-Based Visual Biofeedback in Upright Stance Trials. XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013, Sevilla, Spain: September 25-28, 2013
- M. Schmid, S. Conforto. Stability limits in the assessment of postural control through the Time-to-Boundary function. Proceedings of the 29th IEEE-EMBS Conference, Lyon, France: August 23-26, 2007
- B.L. Patritti, M. Schmid, P.K. Kasi, A. Mirelman, S.E. D'Andrea, P. Bonato. Noise-enhanced dynamic balance control during sit-to-stand. XVIII ISPGR Conference, Burlington, Vermont - USA: July 14-17, 2007
- M. Schmid, S. Conforto, M. Rosso, L. Lopez, T. D'Alessio. Monitoring the maturation/development of postural strategies in children. European Academy of Childhood Disability and Satellite Symposia, Monaco, Monaco: November 19-22, 2005
- M. Schmid, S. Conforto, L. Lopez, T. D'Alessio. The Effect of a Concurrent Cognitive Task on Postural Control in Children. 3rd European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference IFMBE Proceedings, Prague, Czech Republic: November 20-25, 2005
- M. Schmid, S. Conforto, L. Lopez, T. D'Alessio, A.Conte, P.Renzi. Effect of cognitive load on postural control in children. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Sydney, Australia: August 24-29, 2003
- M. Schmid, S. Conforto, G. Giunta, T. D'Alessio. A Subpixel Algorithm for the Reconstruction of Kinematics from Video Sequences in Orthostatic Postural Tests. XXVI IEEE EMBS Conference Proceedings, Cancun, Mexico: September 17-21, 2003
- M. Schmid, S. Conforto, G. Giunta, T. D'Alessio. Reconstructing Posture Kinematics by a Marker-free Subpixel Algorithm. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Sydney, Australia: August 24-29, 2003
- M. Knaflitz, S. Conforto, F. Molinari, M. Schmid, T. D'Alessio. Quantification of Muscle Postural Activity. XIV International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology ISEK Congress Proceedings, Vienna, Austria: June 22-25, 2002
- M. Schmid, V. Camomilla, L. Lopez, S. Conforto. Posturographic analysis: integration of force plate signals and surface electromyography. IX Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing Proceedings, MEDICON 2001, Pula, Croatia: 662-665, 2001
Short and Extended Abstracts appeared on International Journals
- S. Gazzellini, C. D'Anna, S. Conforto, G. Vasco, E. Castelli, M. Petrarca. Do children with congenital blindness have balance deficits? Evidence from a posturography study with traditional and new parameters. Gait & Posture, 42(S1): S49, 2015
- M. Schmid, S. Conforto, U. Cantelli, T. D'Alessio. On the heart action on balance in quiet stance. Gait and Posture, 16 (S1): S226, 2002
- C. Giacomozzi, V. Macellari, F. Benvenuti, L. Chiari, S. Conforto, U. Della Croce, S. Fioretti, P. Morasso, A. Tonini. Towards the standardisation of clinical protocols in posturography. Gait and Posture, 16 (S1): S222, 2002
- S. Conforto, T. D'Alessio, V. Camomilla, A. Cappozzo. Time frequency analysis of posturographic signals. Gait and Posture, 13(2): 129-130, 2001
- S. Conforto, T. D'Alessio, M. Schmid, A. Cappozzo. Heart effects on postural sway. Gait and Posture, 13(2): 128-129, 2001
- M. Schmid, S. Conforto, V. Camomilla, A. Cappozzo, T. D'Alessio. The effect of filtering on global posturographic parameters. Gait and Posture, 14(2): 136-137, 2001
Contributions appeared on Proceedings of National Congresses
- C. D'Anna, D. Bibbo, M. Goffredo, M. Schmid, S. Conforto. Describing the effect of different visual biofeedback presentations on postural strategies in quiet stance: a case study. Quinto Congresso del Gruppo Nazionale di Bioingegneria GNB2016, Naples: June, 20-22, 2016
- C. D'Anna, D. Bibbo, T. D'Alessio, M. Goffredo, M. Schmid, S. Conforto. A Predictive Visual Biofeedback to improve balance in upright stance trials. Quarto Congresso Nazionale di Bioingegneria GNB2014, Pavia, Italy: June 25-27, 2014
- C. D'Anna, M. Schmid, D. Bibbo, T. D'Alessio, S. Conforto. Effetti del biofeedback visivo sulle strategie di controllo posturale. XI Convegno Nazionale Bioingegneria, Messina: July 5, 2013
- I. Bernabucci, M. Goffredo, M. Schmid, S. Conforto, C. Palma, T. D'Alessio. A video-based system to estimate multi-segment postural stability and spinal curvature in an ambulatory environment. Secondo Congresso Nazionale di Bioingegneria, Turin, Italy: July, 8-10, 2010
- S. Conforto, T. D'Alessio, V. Camomilla, M. Schmid. Analisi posturografica: integrazione tra segnali registrati da una piattaforma dinamometrica ed elettromiografia di superficie. II Congresso Metrologia and Qualità, Milan, Italy: 545-548, 2001
- L. Baratto, P. Morasso, M. Knaflitz, G. Balestra, T. D'Alessio, S. Conforto, A. Buizza, G. Magenes. Applicazione clinica della posturografia statica e dinamica: Risultati preliminari di un progetto MURST di rilevante interesse nazionale. XIV Congresso Nazionale SIBOT, Bari, Italy: 37, 2001
- S. Conforto, T. D'Alessio, V. Camomilla, A. Cappozzo. Analisi tempo-frequenza dei segnali posturografici. I Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Analisi del Movimento in Clinica (SIAMOC) Ancona, Italy, : 1.10, 2000
- S. Conforto, T. D'Alessio, M. Schmid, A. Cappozzo . Effetti dell'azione cardiaca sulle oscillazioni posturali. I Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Analisi del Movimento in Clinica (SIAMOC) Ancona, Italy, : 1.9, 2000