Rome: January 14th, 2025

Research Activities @ BioLab3

Processing EMG signals


Develop adaptive algorithms for EMG signal analysis, and to implement them in real-time on microprocessors (DSP and DSPIC), with the aim of studying fatigue and recognising motor activities.
Various adaptive algorithms for the analysis of EMG data have been developed in the Lab, for the removal of muscular artifacts and other interferences, for the estimation of EMG amplitude, and for the detection of muscular activation intervals and muscular fatigue as predicted by changes in the spectral properties of EMG signals. All of them can work in real time, and can easily be implemented into microprocessors for an accurate and timely analysis of muscular status.

List of publications on the topic

Publications on International Journals
- G. Corvini, M. Arvanitidis, D. Falla, S. Conforto. Novel Metrics for High-Density EMG Analysis in the Time-Space Domain during Sustained Isometric Contractions. IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 5: 760-768, 2024
- T. Varrecchia, A. Ranavolo, G. Chini, A.M. De Nunzio, F. Draicchio, E. Martinez-Valdes, D. Falla, S. Conforto. High-density surface electromyography allows to identify risk conditions and people with and without low back pain during fatiguing frequency-dependent lifting activities. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 73: 102839, 2023
- G. Corvini, C. D'Anna, S. Conforto. Estimation of mean and median frequency from synthetic sEMG signals: Effects of different spectral shapes and noise on estimation methods. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 73: 103420, 2022
- T. Varrecchia, S. Conforto, AM De Nunzio, F. Draicchio, D. Falla, A. Ranavolo. Trunk muscle coactivation in people with and without low back pain during fatiguing frequency-dependent lifting activities. Sensors, 22(7): 1417, 2022
- S. Ranaldi, L. Gizzi, G. Severini, C. De Marchis. Optimal identification of muscle synergies from typical Sit-to-Stand clinical tests. IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 4: 31-37, 2022
- T. Varrecchia, A. Ranavolo, S. Conforto, A.M. De Nunzio, M. Arvanitidis, F. Draicchio, D. Falla. Bipolar versus high-density surface electromyography for evaluating risk in fatiguing frequency-dependent lifting activities. Applied Ergonomics, 95: 103456, 2021
- C. D'Anna, M. Schmid, S. Conforto. Linking head and neck posture with muscular activity and perceived discomfort during prolonged smartphone texting. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 83: 103134, 2021
- S. Ranaldi, C. De Marchis, G. Severini, S. Conforto. An objective, information-based approach for selecting the number of muscle synergies to be extracted via non-negative matrix factorization. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 29: 2676-2683, 2021
- T. Varrecchia, C. D'Anna, M. Schmid, S. Conforto. Generalization of a wavelet-based algorithm to adaptively detect activation intervals in weak and noisy myoelectric signals. Biomedical signal processing and control, 58: 101838, 2020
- M. Rinaldi, M. Petrarca, A. Romano, G. Vasco, C. D'Anna, D. Bibbo, M. Schmid, E. Castelli, S. Conforto. Progression of muscular co-activation and gait variability in children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy: A 2-year follow-up study. Clinical Biomechanics, : , 2020
- A. Tatarelli, M. Serrao, T. Varrecchia, L. Fiori, F. Draicchio, A. Silvetti, S. Conforto, C. De Marchis, A. Ranavolo. Global muscle coactivation of the sound limb in gait of people with transfemoral and transtibial amputation. Sensors, 20(9): 2543, 2020
- C. D'Anna, T. Varrecchia, M. Schmid, S. Conforto. Using the frequency signature to detect muscular activity in weak and noisy myoelectric signals. Biomedical signal processing an control, 52: 69-76, 2019
- C. De Marchis, S. Ranaldi, M. Serrao, A. Ranavolo, F. Draicchio, F. Lacquaniti, S. Conforto. Modular motor control of the sound limb in gait of people with trans-femoral amputation. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 16: 132, 2019
- T. Varrecchia, C. De Marchis, M. Rinaldi, F. Draicchio, M. Serrao, M. Schmid, S. Conforto, A. Ranavolo. Lifting activity assessment using surface electromyographic features and neural networks. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 66: 1-9, 2018
- M.H.Soomro, S. Conforto, G. Giunta, S. Ranaldi, C. De Marchis. Comparison of Initialization Techniques for the Accurate Extraction of Muscle Synergies from Myoelectric Signals via Nonnegative Matrix Factorization. Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, 2018: 1-10, 2018
- A.M. Castronovo, C. De Marchis, M. Schmid, S. Conforto, G. Severini. Effect of Task Failure on Intermuscular Coherence Measures in Synergistic Muscles. Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, 2018: 1-13, 2018
- S. Ranaldi, C. De Marchis, S. Conforto. An automatic, adaptive, information-based algorithm for the Extraction of the sEMG envelope. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 42: 1-9, 2018
- C. De Marchis, J. Di Somma, M. Zych, S. Conforto, G. Severini. Consistent visuomotor adaptations and generalizations can be achieved through different rotations of robust motor modules. Scientific Reports, 8: 12657, 2018
- T. Varrecchia, M. Rinaldi, M. Serrao, F. Draicchio, C. Conte, S. Conforto, M. Schmid, A. Ranavolo. Global lower limb muscle coactivation during walking at different speeds: Relationship between spatio-temporal, kinematic, kinetic, and energetic parameters.. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology , 43: 148-157, 2018
- M. Rinaldi, C. D'Anna, M. Schmid, S. Conforto. Assessing the influence of SNR and pre-processing filter bandwidth on the extraction of different muscle co-activation indexes from surface EMG data. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 43: 184-192, 2018
- M. Rinaldi, A. Ranavolo, S. Conforto, G. Martino, F. Draicchio, C. Conte, T. Varrecchia, F. Bini, C. Casali, F. Pierelli, M. Serrao. Increased lower limb muscle coactivation reduces gait performance and increases metabolic cost in patients with hereditary spastic paraparesis. Clinical Biomechanics, 48: 63-72, 2017
- C. De Marchis, T. Santos Monteiro, C. Simon-Martinez, S. Conforto, A. Gharabaghi. Multi-contact Functional Electrical Stimulation for hand opening: electrophysiologically driven identification of the optimal stimulation site. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 13: 22, 2016
- E. Ambrosini, C. De Marchis, A. Pedrocchi, G. Ferrigno, M. Monticone, M. Schmid, T. D'Alessio, S. Conforto, S. Ferrante. Neuro-mechanics of recumbent leg cycling in post-acute stroke patients. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, doi:10.1007/s10439-016-1660-0: , 2016
- C. De Marchis, G. Severini, A.M. Castronovo, M. Schmid, S. Conforto. Intermuscular coherence contributions in synergistic muscles during pedaling. Experimental Brain Research, 233(6): 1907-1919, 2015
- AM. Castronovo, F. Negro, S. Conforto, D. Farina. The proportion of common synaptic input to motor neurons increases with an increase in net excitatory input. Journal of Applied Physiology, 119(11): 1337-1346, 2015
- C. De Marchis, M. Schmid, D. Bibbo, A.M. Castronovo, T. D'Alessio, S. Conforto. Feedback of mechanical effectiveness induces adaptations in motor modules during cycling. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 7(35): 1-12, 2013
- A.M. Castronovo, S. Conforto, M. Schmid, D. Bibbo, T. D'Alessio. How to assess performance in cycling: the multivariate nature of influencing factors and related indicators. Frontiers in Physiology, 4(116): 1-10, 2013
- C. De Marchis, M. Schmid, D. Bibbo, I. Bernabucci, S. Conforto. Inter-individual variability of forces and modular muscle coordination in cycling: A study on untrained subjects. Human Movement Science, 32(6): 1480-1494, 2013
- G. Severini, S. Conforto, M. Schmid, T. D'Alessio. A multivariate auto-regressive method to estimate cortico-muscular coherence for the detection of movement intent. Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, 9(2): 135-143, 2012
- C. De Marchis, M. Schmid, S. Conforto. An optimized method for tremor detection and temporal tracking through repeated second order moment calculations on the surface EMG signal. Medical Engineering & Physics, 34(9): 1268-1277, 2012
- G. Severini, S. Conforto, M. Schmid, T. D'Alessio. Novel formulation of a double threshold algorithm for the estimation of muscle activation intervals designed for variable SNR environments. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 22(6): 878-885, 2012
- G. Vannozzi, S. Conforto, T. D'Alessio. Automatic detection of surface EMG activation timing using a wavelet transform based method.. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 20(4): 767-772, 2010
- D. Bibbo, S. Conforto, C. Gallozzi, T. D'Alessio. Combining electrical and mechanical data to evaluate muscular activities during cycling. WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine, 3: 339-346, 2006
- T. D'Alessio, S. Conforto. Extraction of the envelope from surface EMG signals: an adaptive procedure for dynamic protocols. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, 6: 55-61, 2001
- S. Conforto, T. D'Alessio, S. Pignatelli. Optimal rejection of movement artefacts from myoelectric signals by means of a wavelet filtering procedure. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 9(1): 47-57, 1999
- S. Conforto, T. D'Alessio. Optimal estimation of Power Spectral Density by means of a Time-varying Autoregressive approach. Signal Processing, 72-1: 1-14, 1999
- S. Conforto, T. D'Alessio. Real time monitoring of muscular fatigue from dynamic surface myoelectric signals using a complex covariance approach. Medical Engineering and Physics, 21: 225-234, 1999
- M.G. Benedetti, P. Bonato, F. Catani, T. D'Alessio, M. Knaflitz, M. Marcacci, L. Simoncini. Myoelectric activation pattern during gait in total knee replacement: relationship with kinematics, kinetics and clinical outcome. IEEE Transactions on Rehabilitation Engineering, 7(2): 140-149, 1999
- P. Bonato, T. D'Alessio, M. Knaflitz. A statistical method for the measurement of muscle activation intervals from surface myoelectric signal during gait. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 45(3): 287-299, 1998
- T. D'Alessio, M. Knaflitz, G. Balestra, S. Paggi. On line estimation of myoelectric spectral parameters and non stationarities detection. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 9: 981-985 , 1993
- T. D'Alessio, M. Knaflitz, M. Cesarelli. Analysis of the surface myoelectric signal during isometric and isokinetic contractions. Functional Neurology, 7: 123-125, 1992
- G. Balestra, T. D'Alessio, M. Knaflitz, S. Paggi. On-line estimation of surface myoelectric signal spectral parameters: Methodological considerations. Electrophysiological Kinesiology, VII: 11-14, 1991
- M. Capponi, T. D'Alessio, M. Laurenti. Sequential estimation of power spectra for non stationary myoelectric signals. Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 28(7): 427-432, 1988
- T. D'Alessio. Analysis of a digital EMG signal processor in dynamic conditions. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 1: 78-82, 1985
- T. D'Alessio. Some results on the optimization of a digital processor for surface EMG signals. Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 24(6): 625-643, 1984
Publications on International Books
- S. Ranaldi, C. Castellini A. d’Avella, S. Conforto. Online Continuous Detection of Time-Varying Muscle Synergies. Biosystems and Biorobotics, 28: 797-801, 2022
- S. Conforto, M. Schmid, P. Zaccagna, G. Vannozzi, T. D'Alessio. MA-MYO: A Software proposal for EMG signal processing and standardization in movement analysis. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering - 4, J. Middleton, M. L. Jones, N.G. Shrive e G. N. Pande editors: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 2003
- S. Conforto, T. D'Alessio. An integrated tool for EMG signal processing in movement analysis. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering - 3 , J. Middleton, M. L. Jones, N.G. Shrive, G. N. Pande: 251-253 Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 2001
- S. Conforto, T. D'Alessio. Optimal rejection of artifacts in the processing of surface EMG signals for movement analysis. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2: 799-805 Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1999
Contributions appeared on Proceedings of International Conferences
- S. Ranaldi, C. De Marchis, M. Schmid, S. Conforto. Classifying reaching height through muscle synergies in unconstrained scenarios. EMBC 2022 - 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, Glasgow, Scotland (UK): July 11-15, 2022
- C. D'Anna, T. Varrecchia, S. Ranaldi, M. Schmid, S. Conforto. Myoelectric signs of sustained muscular activity during smartphone texting. 8th European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference. EMBEC 2020, Virtual conference: NULL, 2021
- A. Tatarelli, M. Serrao, T. Varrecchia, L. Fiori, A. Silvetti, C. De Marchis, S. Ranaldi, F. Draicchio, S. Conforto, A. Ranavolo. Global lower limb muscle coactivation during walking in trans-femoral and trans-tibial amputees . IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA 2020), Virtual conference: June 1 - July 1, 2020
- F. Orsini, A. Scorza, C. Foti, A. Rossi, M.L. Sollini, S. Conforto, S. Ranaldi, F. Vurchio, S.A. Sciuto, F. Fuiano, F. Botta. A case study about the load effect on the mechanical performances in a commercial WBV platform for clinical applications. IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA 2020), Virtual conference: June 1 - July 1, 2020
- T. Varrecchia, C. D'Anna, A. Scorza, S.A. Sciuto, S. Conforto. Muscle activity detection in pathological, weak and noisy myoelectric signals. IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Rome, Italy: June 11-13, 2018
- S. Ranaldi, C. De Marchis, M. Rinaldi, S. Conforto. The effect of Non-Negative Matrix Factorization initialization on the accurate identification of muscle synergies with correlated activation signals. IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Rome, Italy: June 11-13, 2018
- C. D'Anna, T. Varrecchia, D. Bibbo, F. Orsini, M. Schmid, S. Conforto. Effect of different smartphone uses on posture while seating and standing. IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Rome, Italy: June 11-13, 2018
- G. Severini, C. De Marchis. Effect of SNR normalization on the estimation of muscle synergies from EMG datasets. IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Rome, Italy: June 11-13, 2018
- C. De Marchis, J. Di Somma, M. Zych, S. Conforto, G. Severini. The generalization of Motor Adaptation is explained through the recruitment of previously adapted muscle synergies. XXII Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology (ISEK 2018), Dublin, Ireland: June 30 - July 2, 2018
- C. De Marchis, S. Ranaldi, S. Conforto. Muscle synergies of the contralateral lower limb in trans-femoral amputees gait. XXII Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology (ISEK 2018), Dublin, Ireland: June 30 - July 2, 2018
- S. Conforto, A. Ranavolo, F. Draicchio. Quantitative indexes for assessing lower limb muscle co-activation in amputated subjects. XXII Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology (ISEK 2018), Dublin, Ireland: June 30 - July 2, 2018
- S. Conforto. Neuro-mechanical indicators of amputees rehabilitation. XXII Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology (ISEK 2018), Dublin, Ireland: June 30 - July 2, 2018
- S. Ranaldi, C. De Marchis, M. Rinaldi, T. Varrecchia, A. Ranavolo, F. Draicchio, S. Conforto. Modular motor control in trans-femoral amputees’ gait. 20th Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Florence, Italy: August 26-30, 2018
- E. Peri, E. Ambrosini, C. De Marchis, C. Nava, L. Longoni, A. Pedrocchi, G. Ferriero, S. Ferrante. Does cycling training augmented by functional electrical stimulation impact on muscle synergies in post-acute stroke patients?. International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation 2018, Pisa, Italy: October 14-16, 2018
- C. De Marchis, E. Ambrosini, M. Schmid, M. Monticone, A. Pedrocchi, G. Ferrigno, T' D'Alessio, S. Conforto. Neuro-mechanics of muscle coordination during recumbent pedaling in post-acute stroke patients. Proceedings of the 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Milan, Italy: August 25-29, 2015
- C. De Marchis, M. Schmid, I. Bernabucci, S. Conforto. Merging a library of basic motor modules as a general model for lower limbs muscle coordination. XX ISEK Congress, Rome, Italy: 15-18 July, 2014
- C. De Marchis, E. Ambrosini, S. Ferrante, M. Schmid, M. Monticone, A. Pedrocchi, S. Conforto. Motor modules in assisted-pedaling: preliminary results on healthy subjects. XX ISEK Congress, Rome, Italy: 15-18 July, 2014
- C. De Marchis, F. Patanè, M. Petrarca, S. Carniel, N. Schmid, S. Conforto, E. Castelli, P. Cappa, T. D'Alessio. Neuro-mechanical assessment of postural responses on a 3-D robotic perturbed platform in children with hemiplegia. SIAMOC-ESMAC 2014, Rome: October 2014, 2014
- C. De Marchis, F. Patanè, M. Petrarca, S. Carniel, M. Schmid, S. Conforto, E. Castelli, P. Cappa, T. D'Alessio. EMG and Kinematics Assessment of Postural Responses during Balance Perturbation on a 3D Robotic Platform: Preliminary Results in Children with Hemiplegia. XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013, Sevilla, Spain: September 25-28, 2013
- S. Conforto, A.M. Castronovo, C. De Marchis, M. Schmid, M. Bertollo, C. Robazza, S. Comani, T. D'Alessio. The Fatigue Vector: A New Bi-dimensional Parameter for Muscular Fatigue Analysis. XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013, Sevilla, Spain: September 25-28, 2013
- A.M. Castronovo, F. Negro, T. D'Alessio, D. Farina. Coherence between motor unit spike trains increases during sustained fatiguing contractions of the tibialis anterior muscle. 43rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA USA: November 9-13, 2013
- A.M. Castronovo, C. De Marchis, G. Severini, D. Bibbo, T. D'Alessio. Electromyographic features for the characterization of task failure during submaximal cycling. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Beijing, China: May 26-31, 2012
- C. De Marchis, S. Conforto, G. Severini, M. Schmid, T. D'Alessio. Detecting and characterizing tremor from the surface EMG signal. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Beijing, China: May 26-31, 2012
- A.M. Castronovo, C. De Marchis, D. Bibbo, S. Conforto, M. Schmid, T. D'Alessio. Neuromuscular Adaptations during Submaximal Prolonged Cycling. Proceedings of the 34th IEEE-EMBS Conference, San Diego: 28 Aug - 1 Sep, 2012
- C. De Marchis, A.M. Castronovo, D. Bibbo, M. Schmid, S. Conforto. Muscle Synergies are Consistent when Pedaling under Different Biomechanical Demands. Proceedings of the 34th IEEE-EMBS Conference, San Diego: 28 Aug - 1 Sep, 2012
- C. De Marchis, S. Conforto, G. Severini, M. Schmid, T. D'Alessio. Detection of Tremor Bursts from the sEMG Signal: an Optimization Procedure for Different Detection Methods. Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE-EMBS Conference, Boston: 31 Aug - 3 Sep, 2011
- G. Severini, S. Conforto, C. De Marchis, M. Schmid, T. D'Alessio. A SNR-Independent Formulation of a Double Threshold Algorithm for the Estimation of Muscle Activation Intervals. Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE-EMBS Congress, Boston: 31 Aug - 3 Sep, 2011
- G.Severini, S.Conforto, M.Schmid, T. D'Alessio. Movement Intent as Predicted by Time-Varying Cortico-Muscular Coherence Estimated through MAR Models. ICRA Workshop on Wearable Robots, Kobe, Japan: May 12-17, 2009
- P. K. Kasi, L.S. Krivickas, M. Meister, E. Chew, M. Schmid, G. Kamen, E.A. Clancy, P. Bonato. Motor unit firing characteristics in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. IEEE 35th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference, Boston, MA USA: April 3-5, 2009
- S. Conforto. The role of the sEMG signal processing in the field of the Human Movement Analysis. 11th International Congress of the IUPESM - Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Munich, Germany: september 7-12, 2009
- P.K. Kasi, L.S. Krivickas, M. Meister, E. Chew, P. Bonato, M. Schmid, G. Kamen, Pu Liu, E.A. Clancy . Characterization of motor unit behavior in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. 4th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, Antalya, Turkey: Apr 29 - May 2, 2009
- S. Conforto, D. Bibbo, T. D'Alessio. A Maximum Likelihood Approach for the detection of muscular activation timing. ISEK XVII congress, Niagara Falls, Canada: June 18-21, 2008
- S. Conforto, D. Bibbo, M. Schmid, T. D'Alessio. Assessment of muscular status from surface electromyography during dynamic protocols. ISEK XVII congress, Niagara Falls, Canada: June 18-21, 2008
- D. Bibbo, S. Conforto, C. Gallozzi, T. D'Alessio. How do muscles contribute to cycling?. 7th WSEAS International Conference on AUTOMATION & INFORMATION, Cavtat, Croatia: June 13-15, 2006
- S. Conforto, P. Mathieu, M. Schmid, D. Bibbo, J.R. Florestal, T. D'Alessio. How much can we trust the electromechanical delay estimated by using electromyography?. Proceedings of the 28th International Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, NYC, US: Aug 30 - Sep 3, 2006
- S. Conforto, D. Bibbo, M. Schmid, T. D'Alessio. Muscular Fatigue from Electromyographic Recordings: Real-Time Monitoring during Exercise Training. 3rd European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference IFMBE Proceedings, Prague, Czech Republic: November 20-25, 2005
- M. Knaflitz, S. Conforto, F. Molinari, M. Schmid, T. D'Alessio. Quantification of Muscle Postural Activity. XIV International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology ISEK Congress Proceedings, Vienna, Austria: June 22-25, 2002
- S. Conforto, T. D'Alessio. Adaptive Amplitude Estimation of Myoelectric Surface Signals recorded during Dynamic Protocols. IEEE EMBS Conference Proceedings, Chicago, Illinois - USA: 1586-1589, 2000
- S. Conforto, T. D'Alessio, S. Pignatelli. Efficient algorithm for fatigue monitoring from dynamic surface myoelectric signals using a complex covariance approach. XII International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology ISEK Congress Proceedings, Montreal, Canada: 208-209, 1998
- S. Conforto, T. D'Alessio, S. Pignatelli. Removal of powerline noise from biomedical signals using a wavelet approach. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Nice, France: 55, 1997
- S. Conforto, T. D'Alessio, S. Pignatelli. Adaptive wavelet filtering for artifacts rejection from surface myoelectric signals recorded during gait. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Nice, France: 563, 1997
- P. Bonato, T. D'Alessio, M. Knaflitz, F. Catani. Measurement of muscle activation patterns from surface myoelectric signals. IMEKO XIII Proceedings, Torino, Italy: 1540-1545, 1994
- P. Bonato, T. D'Alessio, M. Knaflitz. Statistical detection of muscle activation patterns. XV IEEE-EMBS Conference Proceedings, San Diego, California - USA: October 28-31, 1993
- R. Sacco, C. Di Giuliomaria, C. Capponi, T. D'Alessio, E. Zanette. Improving spectral parameters estimation for non stationary biological signals by means of a real time adaptive system. MELECON Proceedings, Lisbon, Portugal: April 11-13, 1989
- M. Biagini, T. D'Alessio, S. Paggi. Detection of short term non stationarities in myoelectric signals. MEDICON Proceedings, Patras, Greece: August 28 - September 1, 1989
- M. Biagini, T. D'Alessio, S. Paggi. Adaptive estimation of spectral parameters for myoelectric signals by means of AR modeling. XI IEEE-EMBS Conference Proceedings, Seattle, Washington - USA: November 9-12, 1989
- T. D'Alessio, M. Laurenti, B.Turco. On some algorithms for the tracking of spectral changes in non stationary myoelectric signals. MIE Proceedings, Rome, Italy: April 11-13, 1987
- N. Accornero, A. Berardelli, T. D'Alessio. Toward a real-time signal processor for myoelectric signals. IEEE EMBS Conference Proceedings, Boston, MA - USA: November 13-16, 1987
- T. D'Alessio. On the use of Kalman filters in EMG signal processors. II International Conference on Applications of Physics to Medicine and Biology, Trieste, Italy: 527-528, 1983
Short and Extended Abstracts appeared on International Journals
- S. Ranaldi, D. Bibbo, G. Corvini, M. Schmid, A. De Nobile, S. Conforto. Position-specific muscle coactivation in human-robot collaboration. Gait & Posture, Supplement: S37-S38, 2023
- G. Corvini, A. Ajoudani, S. Conforto, S. Ranaldi, M. Schmid, A. De Nobile, D. Bibbo. Assessing biomechanical risks in human-robot collaboration: Analysis of muscle activity with different intervention conditions. Gait & Posture, Supplement: S18-S19, 2023
- S. Ranaldi, C. De Marchis, M. Rinaldi, T. Varrecchia, A. Marchesi, A. Silvetti, M. Serrao, A. Ranavolo, M. Schmid, S. Conforto, F. Draicchio. Modular motor control of the contralateral limb in trans-femoral amputees gait. Gait & Posture, 57: 24-25, 2017
- S. Conforto, C. De Marchis, G. Severini, T. D'Alessio. Tremor detection and tracking through sEMG analysis . Gait and Posture supplement for SIAMOC congress , 30: 56-57, 2009
Contributions appeared on Proceedings of National Congresses
- G. Corvini, S. Conforto, S. Ranaldi, M. Schmid, D. Bibbo. Analysis of muscular activity of a cashier during different modalities of human robot collaboration. VIII National Congress of Bioengineering (GNB2023), Padua, Italy: June 21 - 23, 2023
- S. Ranaldi, L. Gizzi, G. Severini, C. De Marchis. Synergy-dependent patterns of reaction forces in sit-to-stand movements. VIII National Congress of Bioengineering (GNB2023), Padua, Italy: June 21 - 23, 2023
- S. Ranaldi, C. D'Anna, F. Botta, A. Scorza, A. Rossi, C. Foti, S. Faraci, S.A. Sciuto, M. Schmid, S. Conforto. Filtering techniques for whole body vibration artefact removal from low-SNR sEMG signals. VII National Congress of BIoengineering (GNB2020), Held virtually: NULL, 2020
- T. Varrecchia, C. D'Anna, D. Bibbo, M. Schmid, S. Conforto Conforto S.. Detecting low-to-moderate isometric muscle activity through a generalized CWT-based technique. VII National Congress of Bioengineering (GNB2020), NULL: NULL, 2020
- M. Rinaldi, C. D'Anna, M. Schmid, S. Conforto. The effect of pre-processing settings on muscle co-activation assessment with synthetic and experimental signals. Sixth National Congress of Bioengineering (GNB2018), Milan, Italy: June 25-27, 2018
- T. Varrecchia, C. D'Anna, M. Schmid, S. Conforto. Muscle activity detection in weak and noisy myoelectric signals. Sixth National Congress of Bioengineering (GNB2018), Milan, Italy: June 25-27, 2018
- S. Ranaldi, C. De Marchis, S. Conforto. An automatic algorithm for the sEMG envelope estimation: evaluation on experimental data. Sixth National Congress of Bioengineering (GNB2018), Milan, Italy: June 25-27, 2018
- T. Varrecchia, A. Ranavolo, A. Marchesi, M. Rinaldi, M. Serrao, M. Cesarelli, S. Conforto, S. Del Ferraro, V. Molinaro, A. Silvetti, G. Rotriquenz, F. Draicchio. A sEMG-based approach for biomechanical risk assessment derived from the NIOSH equation . Quinto Congresso del Gruppo Nazionale di Bioingegneria, Naples: June 20-22, 2016
- M.H. Soomro, C. de Marchis, S. Conforto, G. Giunta. NNSVD-based method to extract muscle synergies. Quinto Congresso del Gruppo Nazionale di Bioingegneria, Naples: June 20-22, 2016
- C. De Marchis, I. Bernabucci, M. Schmid, A.M. Castronovo, S. Conforto. Merging a library of basic motor modules accounts for the muscle coordination of a variety of motor tasks. Proceedings of GNB2014, Pavia, Italy: 22-24 June, 2014
- C. De Marchis, A.M. Castronovo, D. Bibbo, S. Conforto. Stability of muscle synergies across different pedalling strategies in untrained subjects. Proceedings of the Third Conference of the Italian National Bioengineering Group (GNB2012), Rome, Italy : June 27-29, 2012
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