Rome: January 14th, 2025

Research Activities @ BioLab3

Interfacing Brain, Eye and Computer


Develop algorithms for both quantitative EEG and gaze detection, and to integrate them in systems to assist people with disabilities in communication and control.
Different signal processing techniques (Higher Order Statistics, Principal Component Analysis, Independent Component Analysis, Time Varying Auto Regressive Models) are being used in the lab to extract features from EEG signals, and thus to allow control of PC through Brain Electrical Activity.
The same approach is being followed by video-recording and then analysing gaze when doing activities on PC, with the aim of assisting impaired people.

List of publications on the topic

Publications on International Journals
- M. Mancini, D. Brignani, S. Conforto, P. Mauri, C. Miniussi, M.C. Pellicciari . Assessing cortical synchronization during transcranial direct current stimulation: A graph-theoretical analysis. Neuroimage, 140: 57-65, 2016
- M. Bertollo, S. di Fronso, E. Filho, S. Conforto, M. Schmid, L. Bortoli, S. Comani, C. Robazza. Proficient brain for optimal performance: the MAP model perspective. PeerJ, 4: e2082, 2016
- G. Severini, S. Conforto, M. Schmid, T. D'Alessio. A multivariate auto-regressive method to estimate cortico-muscular coherence for the detection of movement intent. Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, 9(2): 135-143, 2012
- D. Torricelli, M. Goffredo, S. Conforto, M. Schmid. An adaptive blink detector to initialize and update a view-based remote eye gaze tracking system in a natural scenario . Pattern Recognition Letters, 30: 1144-1150, 2009
- D. Torricelli, S. Conforto, M. Schmid, T. D'Alessio. A Neural-Based Remote Eye Gaze Tracker under Natural Head Motion. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 92(1): 66-78, 2008
- W.G. Sannita, S.Conforto, L. Lopez, L. Narici. Synchronized ~15.0-35.0 Hz oscillatory response to spatially modulated visual patterns in man. Neuroscience, 89(3): 619-623, 1999
Publications on International Books
- A. Loizzo, W.G. Sannita, L. Lopez, S. Conforto, L. Narici. A pharmacological approach to oscillatory potentials in mice. Recent Advances in Human Neurophysiology, Elsevier Science and Technology Books: 363-368, 1998
Contributions appeared on Proceedings of International Conferences
- M.R. De Blasiis, C. D'Anna, S. Conforto. Assessment of Drivers’ Risk Levels Using a Virtual Reality Simulator. AHFE Conference on Human Aspects of Transportation, 2021, Virtual: July 25 - 29, 2021
- F. D'Errico, M. Schmid, M. Martinez, S. Mastrobattista, R. Parlongo, C. Massom, C. D'Anna. ‘Prosocial’ virtual reality as tool for monitoring engagement in intergroup helping situations. Proceedings of the Workshop Socio-Affective Technologies: an interdisciplinary approach co-located with IEEE SMC 2019 (Systems, Man and Cybernetics), Bari (Italy): October 7, 2019
- C. D’Anna, D. Bibbo, M. Bertollo, S. di Fronso, S. Comani, M. R. De Blasiis, V. Veraldi, M. Goffredo, S. Conforto. State of Alertness During Simulated Driving Tasks. XIV Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2016, 57: 907-9012, 2016
- M. Mancini, M.C. Pellicciari, D. Brignani, P. Mauri, C. De Marchis, C. Miniussi, S. Conforto. Automatic artifact suppression in simultaneous tDCS-EEG using adaptive filtering. Proceedings of the 37th IEEE-EMBS Conference, Milan, Italy: August 25 - 29, 2015
- S. Comani, L. Schinaia, G. Tamburro, L. Velluto, S. Sorbi, S. Conforto, B. Guarnieri. Assessing neuro-motor recovery in a stroke survivor with high-resolution EEG, robotics and Virtual Reality. Proceedings of the 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Milan, Italy: August 25-29, 2015
- S. Comani, S. Di Fronso, E. Filho, A. M. Castronovo, M. Schmid, L. Bortoli, S. Conforto, C. Robazza, M. Bertollo. Attentional Focus and Functional Connectivity in Cycling: An EEG Case Study. XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013, Sevilla, Spain: September 25-28, 2013
- S. Conforto, I. Bernabucci, N. Accornero, M. Bertollo, C. Robazza, S. Comani, M. Schmid, T. D'Alessio. A Neural Minimum Input Model to Reconstruct the Electrical Cortical Activity. XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013, Sevilla, Spain: September 25-28, 2013
- J.A. Gallego, E. Rocon, A.R. Victoria, J. Ibáñez, L. Barrios, D. Farina, F. Negro, S. Conforto, T. D'Alessio, G. Severini, G. Grimaldi, M. Manto, J.L. Pons. Brain neural computer interface for tremor identification, characterization and tracking. Proceedings of the XVIII ISEK Congress, Aalborg, Denmark: June 16-19, 2010
- G.Severini, S.Conforto, M.Schmid, T. D'Alessio. Movement Intent as Predicted by Time-Varying Cortico-Muscular Coherence Estimated through MAR Models. ICRA Workshop on Wearable Robots, Kobe, Japan: May 12-17, 2009
- D. Torricelli, I.Bernabucci, M.Goffredo, T. D'Alessio. Eye-reach: a multimodal interface based on user intention prediction. Gerontechnology 2008, 7:2: 225, 2008
- L. Lopez, L. Narici, S. Conforto, G.L. Romani, W.G. Sannita. Oscillatory retinal and cortical responses to luminance stimulation: eccentricity function and effect of acute scopolamine. Proceedings Biomag96, Santa Fe, New Mexico -USA: 365, 1996
Short and Extended Abstracts appeared on International Journals
- G. Severini, S. Conforto, M. Schmid, T. D'Alessio. An ERD/Gyroscope-based Method for the Detection of Motor Intention in Tremor-Affected Patients. International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism, 13(1): 42-43, 2011
- M. Gneo, G. Severini, S. Conforto, M. Schmid, T. D'Alessio. Towards a Brain-Activated and Eye-Controlled Wheelchair. International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism, 13(1): 44-45, 2011
- M. Goffredo, S. Tricarico, S. Conforto, F. Bilotti, M. Schmid, L. Vegni, T. D'Alessio. Multimodal BCI-driven FES: a model for in-silico tests on array electrodes. International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism, 13(1): 16-17, 2011
- W.G. Sannita, S. Conforto, L. Lopez, L. Narici. Cortical synchronization, narrow-band oscillatory responses to luminance stimuli and ACh modulation. Brain Topography, 10(1): 84-85, 1997
- L. Narici, S. Conforto, L. Lopez, W.G.Sannita. Narrow-band (ca. 100-110 Hz) oscillatory responses to luminance stimulation and muscarinic modulation of stimulus-related synchronization in men. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 103(1): 145-146, 1997
- L. Lopez, S. Conforto, L. Narici, W. G. Sannita. Cortical synchronization and narrow-band oscillatory (ca. 18-45 Hz) responses to foveal pattern-reversal stimulation in man. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 103(1): 145, 1997
Contributions appeared on Proceedings of National Congresses
- M. Gneo, D. Carbone, M. Schmid, S. Conforto, C. Palma, T. D'Alessio. Feasibility of a new Geometry-Free Eye Gaze Tracking using a new Triangular Pattern of Infrared light and Neural Mapping. Secondo Congresso Nazionale di Bioingegneria, Turin, Italy: July, 8-10, 2010
- N. Accornero, A. Colosimo, M. Capozza, I. Bernabucci, F. Pulice, S. Conforto, T. D'Alessio. EEG a 256 canali? No grazie!. Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Neurofisiologia Clinica, Rome, Italy: May 18-20, 2006

Theses on the Topic

Saba Gervasio Sviluppo di interfacce uomo-macchina: rilevamento del battito di ciglia in sistemi di analisi dello sguardo (BSc thesis, 2008)


Marco Mancini
Sviluppo di algoritmi e metodi per il controllo delle funzionalit? di un PC attraverso lo sguardo (MSc thesis, 2007)


Roberto Moschini
Sviluppo di un sistema neurale per la rilevazione dello sguardo (MSc Thesis, 2007)


Stefano Ranieri
Interfacce uomo-macchina per il controllo di un ambiente domestico attraverso lo sguardo (BSc thesis, 2006)


Francesco Marino Un sistema neurale per lo sviluppo di un'interfaccia uomo-macchina. (MSc Thesis, 2005)
