Rome: January 14th, 2025

Research Activities @ BioLab3

Neural Networks to model sensorimotor organization


Develop and implement biologically inspired neural networks for the simulation of motor control in upper limb movements, and the definition of cognitive aspects in movement control.
Artificial Neural Networks are an effective solution for the simulation of simple motor control issues. In the Lab, different ANNs have been developed to cope with the requirements of different situations, from ballistic movements, to the more complex situations, such as trajectory tracking. These biologically inspired controllers can move robotic arms, and act as artificial teachers for learning and rehabilitation purposes.

List of publications on the topic

Publications on International Journals

T. Varrecchia, C. De Marchis, M. Rinaldi, F. Draicchio, M. Serrao, M. Schmid, S. Conforto, A. Ranavolo. Lifting activity assessment using surface electromyographic features and neural networks. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 66: 1-9, 2018

G. Cecchini, G.M. Lozito, M. Schmid S. Conforto, F. Riganti Fulginei, D. Bibbo. Neural networks for muscle forces prediction in cycling. Algorithms, 7(4): 621-634, 2014

A. Laudani, F. Riganti Fulginei, A. Salvini, M. Schmid, S. Conforto. CFSO³: A New Supervised Swarm-Based Optimization Algorithm. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 560614: 1-13, 2013

M. Gneo, M. Schmid, S. Conforto, T. D'Alessio. A free geometry model-independent neural eye-gaze tracking system. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 9: 82, 2012

M. Manto, G. Grimaldi, T. Lorivel, D. Farina, L. Popovic, S. Conforto, T. D'Alessio, J.M. Belda-Lois, J.L. Pons, E. Rocon. Bioinformatic Approaches Used in Modelling Human Tremor. Current Bioinformatics, 4(2): 154-172, 2009

S. Conforto, I. Bernabucci, G. Severini, M. Schmid, T. D'Alessio. Biologically inspired modelling for the control of upper limb movements: from concept studies to future applications. Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 3: 3, 2009

M. Goffredo, I. Bernabucci, M. Schmid, S. Conforto. A neural tracking and motor control approach to improve rehabilitation of upper limb movements. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 5: 5, 2008

I. Bernabucci, S. Conforto, M. Capozza, N. Accornero, M. Schmid, T. D'Alessio. A biologically inspired neural network controller for ballistic arm movements. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 4: 2, 2007

S. Conforto, T. D'Alessio, E. Zanette, G. Mancini. High-quality compression of echographic images by neural networks and vector quantization. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 33: 695-698, 1995

S. Conforto, S.Comani, J.Edrich and S.N. Erné. Automatic detection of Migrating Motor Complexes using Neural Networks on magnetic recordings of gastric activity. BioMedizinische Technik, 39: 127-128, 1994

Publications on International Books

S. Conforto, M. Schmid, G. Gallo, T. D'Alessio, N. Accornero, M. Capozza. A neural-based model for the control of the arm during planar ballistic movements. Mechanics and Sport, CISM Courses no. 473, P.B. Pascolo: 59-65 Springer Wien, New York, 2004

Contributions appeared on Proceedings of International Conferences

S. Conforto, A. Laudani, F. Oliva, F. Riganti Fulginei, M. Schmid. Classification of ECG patterns for diagnostic purposes by means of neural networks and support vector machines. TSP 2013 - 36th international conference on telecommunications and signal processing, Rome, Italy: July 2-4, 2013

S. Conforto, I. Bernabucci, N. Accornero, M. Bertollo, C. Robazza, S. Comani, M. Schmid, T. D'Alessio. A Neural Minimum Input Model to Reconstruct the Electrical Cortical Activity. XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013, Sevilla, Spain: September 25-28, 2013

C. De Marchis, I. Bernabucci, G. Severini, S. Conforto, M. Schmid, T. D'Alessio. Wrist tremor reduction through a novel neural model. Proceedings of the XVIII ISEK Congress, Aalborg, Denmark: June 16-19, 2010

M. Gneo, R. Muscillo, M. Goffredo, S. Conforto, M. Schmid, T. D'Alessio. Real-time adaptive neural predictors for upper limb gestures blind recognition. 11th International Congress of the IUPESM - Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering World Congress 2009, Munich, Germany: September 7-12, 2009

G. Severini, S. Conforto, I. Bernabucci, M. Schmid, T. D'Alessio. Tremor control during movement of the upper limb using artificial neural networks and Functional Electrical Stimulation. EMBEC '08, Antwerp, Belgium: November 23-27, 2008

I. Bernabucci, M. Schmid, S. Conforto, D. Torricelli, T. D'Alessio. A bio-inspired inverse dynamics model to control a hybrid wearable system combining robotherapy and FES. IEEE ICRA Workshop on Wearable Robots, Pasadena, California - USA: May 19-23, 2008

I. Bernabucci, S. Conforto, M. Schmid, T. D'Alessio. A bio-inspired controller of an upper arm model in a perturbed environment. III International Conference ISSNIP, Melbourne, Australia: December, 3-7, 2007

M. Goffredo, M. Schmid, S. Conforto, T. D'Alessio. A Neural approach to the tracking of human body silhouette. ICSIP - IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing, Hubli, Karnataka - India: december 7-9, 2006

M. Goffredo, I. Bernabucci, M. Schmid, S. Conforto, T. D'Alessio. TwinN-FES: Tracking with Neural Network to assist and restore upper arm movements through smart Functional Electrical Stimulation in hemiplegia. Proc. 2nd ICINCO International Workshop on Biosignal Processing and Classification, Setubal, Portugal: , 2006

I. Bernabucci, A. Speranza, S. Conforto, M. Schmid, and T. D'Alessio. Neural controller for ballistic movement of the upper arm. XVI International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology ISEK Congress, Torino, Italy: June 1-3, 2006

D. Torricelli, M. Goffredo, S. Conforto, M. Schmid, T. D'Alessio. A novel neural eye gaze tracker. ICINCO II International Workshop on Biosignal Processing and Classification, Setúbal, Portugal: August 1-5, 2006

D. Torricelli, M. Goffredo, S. Conforto, M. Schmid. A Gaze-detection system based on a novel neural approach. XVI International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology ISEK Congress, Torino, Italy: June 1-3, 2006

I. Bernabucci, T.D'Alessio, S.Conforto, M.Schmid . Controlling planar ballistic movements by means of neural system. X Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing IFMBE Proceedings, MEDICON 2004, Ischia (NA), Italy: July 31 - August 5, 2004

S. Conforto, T. D'Alessio, A. Neri, M. Schmid, A. Montesi. Foreground extraction from human movement images by a neural approach. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Sydney, Australia: August 24-29, 2003

S. Conforto, S. Della Penna and S.N. Erné. Tissue segmentation of MRI of the head by means of a Kohonen Map. XVIII IEEE-EMBS Conference Proceedings, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: October 30- November 3, 1996

E.M. Zanette, S. Conforto, C. Roberti, M. Salustri, G. Mancini, T. D'Alessio. Compression of images of carotid atherosclerotic lesions through neural networks and vector quantization. V Meeting of the Neurosonology Research Group Proceedings, Toronto, Canada: PA20, 1993

Short and Extended Abstracts appeared on International Journals

M. Gneo, G. Severini, S. Conforto, M. Schmid, T. D'Alessio. Towards a Brain-Activated and Eye-Controlled Wheelchair. International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism, 13(1): 44-45, 2011

S. Conforto, S. Della Penna and S.N. Erné. A Kohonen map for tissue segmentation of MRI of the head. NeuroImage, 3(3): S151 , 1996