Rome: January 14th, 2025

People @ BioLab3

Baldassarre D'Elia, PhD

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Received (hons) in Electrical Engineering-Power System at Rome University “La Sapienza”, Italy, in 1992. In 1996 he was recipient of a student fellowship and in 2000 for a Post-Doctorate research activity at the same University, Dept. of Electrical Engineering; topics of studies were protection against lightning, cooperating with I.E.C. and C.E.I. T.C. 81-1 to improve the standards. Since 2010, he is student of Doctoral School in Bioengineering at “Roma Tre” University. Topics of studies are neuroengineering and rehabilitation of persons suffering post-stroke and Parkinson syndrome by means of haptic systems.

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aka/detto Baldo

List of Publications

Publications on International Journals
[J1] B. D'Elia, I. Bernabucci, D. Bibbo, S. Conforto, T. D'Alessio, S.A. Sciuto, A. Scorza, M. Schmid. Measuring regularity of fine upper limb movements with a haptic platform for motor learning and rehabilitation. Journal of Clinician and Technology, 46(1): 5-12, 2016
Contributions appeared on Proceedings of International Conferences
[C1] B. D'Elia, B. Fida, I. Bernabucci, S. Conforto, T. D'Alessio, M. Schmid. The influence of haptic feedback on hand movement regularity in elderly adults. ECCE '13 Proceedings of the 31st European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics, Toulouse, france: August 25-28, 2013
[C2] M. Schmid, I. Bernabucci, S. Comani, S. Conforto, B. D'Elia, B. Fida, T. D'Alessio. Haptic Feedback Affects Movement Regularity of Upper Extremity Movements in Elderly Adults. XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013, Sevilla, Spain: September 25-28, 2013
[C3] B. D'Elia, M. Schmid, I. Bernabucci, M. Goffredo, T. D'Alessio. A Comparison between Influence of Visual and Haptic Feedback on Jerk Indicators in Hand Exercises. Proc. International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation ICNR2012, 1: 317-320, 2012
Contributions on Proceedings of National Congresses
[PN1] B. D'Elia, M. Schmid, I. Bernabucci, T. D'Alessio. The extraction of mean square jerk ratio from hand kinematic data collected through a parallel haptic interface. Proceedings of the Third Conference of the Italian National Bioengineering Group (GNB2012), Rome, Italy: June 27-29, 2012