Rome: February 12th, 2025

Current tag list

From Biolab3

null muscle emg classification
energy muscular dynamics
work-related communities skeletal dystrophy
ergonomics functionality hrc ml
imu ai detection duchenne
disorders fluid onset renewable

EMG-based prediction of target location during upper-limb reaching movements: impact of time window length and feature set on classification accuracy
G. Corvini, A. de Nobile, S. Ranaldi, T. Del Grossi, E. Ambrosini, C. De Marchis, M. Schmid
International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation

Margins of stability of individuals with bone-anchored or socket-suspended transfemoral prostheses
T. Robert, S. Ranaldi, A. Naaïm, C. De Marchis, R. Dumas, S. Conforto, L. Frossard
29th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics

Intelligent human–computer interaction: combined wrist and forearm myoelectric signals for handwriting recognition
A. Tigrini, S. Ranaldi, F. Verdini, R. Mobarak, M. Scattolini, S. Conforto, M. Schmid, L. Burattini, E. Gambi, S. Fioretti, A. Mengarelli


Biomedical Engineering Laboratory

Phone Number +39 06 5733 7057
Founder Tommaso D'Alessio
Research group head Silvia Conforto
Lab coordinator Maurizio Schmid
to send an email please replace AT with @

BioLab³, the Biomedical Engineering Laboratory at the Department of Industrial, Electronic and Mechanical Engineering, Roma Tre University, aims at developing and offering new approaches, methodological innovations, and technological solutions to be applied in the field of human movement science at large.

The field of application ranges from the functional evaluation and analysis of motor and physiological markers associated with neuromuscular disorders and conditions (e.g. Parkinson's disease, Stroke, Prosthesis use, Ageing), to the long-term monitoring and description of the quality of human movement and behaviour in unconstrained scenarios, to the development of technologies for human enhancement, rehabilitation, assistance and social inclusion at all age levels.

To this end, EMG, wearable inertial sensors, marker-based and marker-free kinematics, force sensors are used as data sources, and investigated, often in combination. Application fields include performance optimisation in sport activities, risk assessment in ergonomics, motor recovery monitoring in rehabilitation, evaluation of bio-feedback effects on motor control in neuromechanics.

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